Honeymoon Budgeting

Just like a wedding, a honeymoon is a once in a lifetime affair. It sets the start for a new life together, lasts several days, and creates and endless array of hopefully treasured memories. Still, when doing their wedding planning, some couples neglect to allocate a part of their budget to the honeymoon.

But how do you budget for your honeymoon? It completely depends on what you want from your honeymoon:

  • How far will you travel?
  • For how long will you go?
  • What are your expectations?
  • What time of year you are traveling?

All these factors influence the potential cost of your honeymoon. Budgeting is a crucial point in the process since it will avoid disappointment. Allocating the right money to your honeymoon makes sure that you get the vacation you wish for and deserve.

Whilst you can get an idea for pricing online I would suggest contacting a specialist. After all, you not only want to make sure you have an accurate idea of how much you will need but you also want to make sure you are well taken care of. Rely on an expert to help you plan your honeymoon so you can be sure to get what you expect. And, once you travel you have a real person to answer your questions and solve any issues.

So many things can go wrong and a specialist is there to help you minimize the risks and take care of you should something happen. Your honeymoon is most likely the most important vacation you will ever take.

  • You want to know that the ocean view room you are booking has an actual view of the ocean
  • You don’t want to get to the hotel you especially picked for your honeymoon, just to learn that they decided to relocate you somewhere else
  • You are having issues with your flights – you want to be able to call a number without being on hold for hours
  • Arriving in a foreign country can be overwhelming. You want to know who picks you up and takes you to the resort and don’t want to be harrassed with an endless time-share selling conversation

That being said, the most important factor should not be price. You should know what you get and the value should be right. Also, make sure you budget according to your wishes and expectations. Your specialist will be able to give you a good idea on what is right.

The first step to a successful honeymoon is making it an integral part of your wedding budget and finding the right specialist. If you need help budgeting for your honeymoon feel free to contact me anytime.

Honeymoon Planning – Questions you Should ask

A couple more hours before the new year! With the start of 2010 comes the beginning of the bridal season. Hundreds of brides will flock to wedding shows all over the world, shopping for wedding vendors, and also starting to think about their honeymoon.

Each wedding vendor has a certain set of questions a bride might want to ask before hiring them. Typically you might question a photographer about their package prices, how fast they will have your pictures available, how easy it will be for your guests to order from them, how much experience they have shooting weddings, and much more.

Whilst most every wedding vendor has a certain set of questions they will be asked, I oftentimes notice that brides do not qualify the honeymoon planner/travel consultant they want to work with. Here are a few ideas/tips/questions you might want to
use when selecting your honeymoon consultant.

  • If you have an idea on where you would like to go on your honeymoon, tell the consultant. Use this opportunity to test their reaction. Are they simply acknowledging your choice, or do they actually seem knowledgeable about the destination.
  • Who is going to do the work, you, or the consultant. By that I mean, does the consultant simply hand out brochures, or does the consultant setup an appointment with you first, in order to learn exactly what it is you are looking for?
  • What type of travel is the consultant’s specialty? Do they cater to anyone, including family & business travel, or do they specialize in the romance travel sector.
  • Does the consultant travel frequently and has first-hand experience in some of the most popular honeymoon destinations and resorts?
  • Is the honeymoon consultant going to be there for you, not only during the booking process, but also once you travel?
  • And, can you relate to the consultant. Do you feel this person will be able to understand what it is you are looking for.


Many of my All About Honeymoons colleagues will be represented at bridal shows nationwide. I encourage you to visit their booth (look for the logo), and submit them to the test.

Just like your wedding, your honeymoon is a once-in-a-lifetime event. It should be the best vacation you ever take. You should feel special, you should know what to expect, and most of all, you should be able to treasure those memories forever.