The Sixth Day of National #PlanForVacation Day: Rangiroa, French Polynesia

The first thing that comes up when people refer to Rangiroa is its fantastic marine life. Rangiroa or Ra’iroa means Endless Sky in the native language. It is the largest atoll within the Tuamotu Atolls, located almost 250 miles (one hour flight) away from Tahiti. The atoll consists of a string of 240 islets tied together for over 110 miles.

Narrow sandbars and mini isles preserve a prolific marine life and offer some of the world’s best diving and fishing. The abundance of the underwater world displays an array of live colors. See schools of multicolored butterfly fish, turtles, dolphins, and sharks. Whether you are an advanced diver, beginner, or enjoy snorkeling, an incredible paradise awaits.

Having had the opportunity to visit French Polynesia myself and meeting many of the local hoteliers, I was super excited when Josh & Lindsey came to me and asked to create a unique honeymoon, partially off the beaten path. Although Bora Bora, Moorea, and Tahiti all were part of their fantastic itinerary, they wanted to include an even more secluded, less visited area.

Rangiroa happened to be a dream come true. It is home to Hotel Kia Ora, a boutique luxury hotel located on the northwest part of the atoll, set in the heart of a beautiful coconut plantation, offering the most stunning turquoise lagoon and white sand beach. With only 60 villas and bungalows spread across the grounds, the beach, and over-water, the recently renovated hotel offers an intimate experience to anyone looking for a peaceful stay in paradise.

We picked the hotel for exactly that reason, but also because it offered Lindsey and Josh the opportunity to stay a couple of days on the hotel’s private island called “Le Sauvage.” It is, as the name indicates, “the wild one.” About one-hour boat ride from the resort, the private island offered five bungalows only. At the time, there was no electricity or air-conditioning. Food was provided by the only two resident staff members at a communal table for all guests of the island. Le Sauvage is currently closed for updates, so we will see what has changed once it reopens to welcome guests.

Thank you Josh & Lindsey, for sharing some of your Rangiroa photos!

This is the sixth destination highlight of twelve, leading up to the National #PlanForVacation Day on January 29, 2019. Don’t let your vacation days go to waste, plan a trip!

Stefanie Pichonnat is the owner of Cumar Gold Travel; a boutique travel firm specialized in creating customized travel itineraries. Having personally traveled to Hawai’i, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, and Tahiti, she can help you create a wonderful South Pacific experience. To plan a trip contact her at

Venice for a day – A Daytrip from Milan

It was still dark when we arrived at Milano Centrale. Thanks to the Excelsior Gallia’s location we only had to stroll across the street to make it there. The air smelled moist and crisp on the early mid-February morning.

Milano’s train station is impressive, a humongous historical building dating back to 1912 when its architect, Ulisse Stacchini, came up with the idea to create  the “Cathedral of Movement”. With 11,000 m2 of marble and the central arch spanning over 72 meters Milano Centrale is easily one of Europe’s most beautiful train stations.

Crossing the deserted hall, which seemed somehow dark, despite the bright, artificial lights, we made our way to the platform.

The ride from Milan to Venice Santa Lucia station takes about 2 hours 30 minutes. In the early morning hours the landscape had a romantic touch, covered by a layer of mist which softened the classic Italian shapes and colors, almost like a painting. In the distance a view of the Dolomites, the stoic mountain range which is home to some of Italy’s best skiing areas such as Cortina.

Once the train starts crossing the water from Venice Mestre to Venice Island it’s time to get excited. Venice’s train station is very welcoming with its bright, airy and clean setting. As you cross the arrivals hall and step out into the open, you are immediately greeted by the city’s romantic beauty. It almost hits you by surprise, it’s as if you stepped right into a postcard.

There is daylight now, but the sun still sits low. A romantic mist lingers over the canals, making the skyline of domes and towers of the city look like a pastel water color painting.

Since we hadn’t made any plans, we decided to hop on one of the water buses, the so called Vaporettos, to get closer to the Grand Canal and St. Marks Square. The waterbus system is extensive and  very much like a subway or bus system in a larger city. Instead of hoping onto a train though you are embarking and disembarking a small, one story, passenger ship. Whilst public transportation usually is a quick way to get around, this is different. The Vaporettos are extremely slow.  And, just like a subway or a regular bus, they fill up and get crowded at times, making it not the most comfortable and convenient way to travel.

Venice’s streets and canals are confusing. To have a map is essential and to look at it often is crucial. It is extremely easy to get lost in the many small passages and sideways. Quite honestly though, Venice makes getting lost as charming as can be. There are so many squares, palazzos, beautiful houses, canals and bridges, always something to see. It is hard to take your eyes off or wonder, if this place really exists. Getting lost also means that you lose the crowd of tourists and all of a sudden find yourself in a more residential area, where flowers are delivered by boat and old people stand at the street corner thoroughly engaged in a chat.

Presuming that it wouldn’t be busy in February, I was surprised how many tourists were crowding around the major attractions such as St. Marks Square and the Rialto bridge. It quickly becomes clear that Venice is attractive, no matter what time of the year. Some of the lines to enter attractions seemed almost ridiculously long. I cannot even begin to imagine what it must look like in summer. At the end of the day I felt utterly charmed by Venice, it is truly unique and one of the most romantic cities. However, it likely wouldn’t have had the same effect on me during the summer, when it is overrun by tourists and some of the canals exude bad odors.


Stefanie Pichonnat is the owner and travel consultant at Cumar Gold Travel, a boutique travel firm customizing travel itineraries for discerning customers. With her extensive travel experience in Italy she can help you create a wonderful trip. Contact her at

Finding Paradise in Tahiti – The Brando – Tetiaroa

Imagine a place, far far away, somewhere close to the equator, in the middle of the South Pacific, 17.0000° S, 149.5500° W to be precise.

A place where you will find yourself blinking your eyes, just to make sure it is real.

A place with colors so intense, like you’ve never seen them before.

A place where you hear the gentle lapping of  waves, the light humming of a honey bee every now and then, and a bird screech ever so often.

A place filled with the smell of sea salt, warm air, and tropical plants.

A place where you become one with nature, where time seems to stand still, and all of a sudden you feel at peace with yourself. It is as if you had arrived in paradise and the paradise’s name is Tetiaroa.

The atoll of Tetiaro is located in French Polynesia, also referred to as Tahiti, in the outer parts of the Society archipelago to be precise. Until about 2 years ago, the atoll was known by very few (non Tahitians that is).

Marlon Brando had discovered this paradise when scouting possible locales for the movie “Mutiny of the Bounty.” He was immediately fascinated by this particular collection of motus, their incredible beauty and unique ability to make one feel that much closer to paradise. In 1967 Marlon Brando succeeded in acquiring the atoll and for many years Tetiaroa was his paradise, a place where he, his family and close friends, could escape to.

Marlon Brando however, wasn’t just a wealthy celebrity. He was also a visionary. He dreamed of an island paradise that would be a model of sustainability. He wanted Tetiaroa’s natural beauty and everything it had to offer, preserved. He wanted to create a center for research and education, that eventually could benefit the entire world.

Although Marlon Brando died in 2004, his dream to create a self-sustaining, top-class, luxury resort that acted as a center for guests, residents, as well as scientific research, became reality. Today, Tetiaroa is likely one of the most unique resort properties you can imagine. Not only is it unlike anything else, it is also very exclusive and the hotel buzz is brimming with many people wondering, if this concept and idea can survive.

Whether it will or not, only the stars can tell (and there are plenty on Tetiaroa where stargazing is at its best). And whilst the idea might seem crazy to some, the product and concept is solid. The resort is top-notch, every detail paid attention to. The food, despite the fact that you find yourself miles out in the South Pacific, is flawless. The service is impeccable and very personable. You feel welcomed to paradise from the moment you step off Air Tetiaroa’s plane.

What originally seemed like a place that could quickly become boring, turned almost immediately into a place you would never want to leave.

Here are a few of my favorite images taken during my stay.

Stefanie Pichonnat is the owner of Cumar Gold Travel, a boutique travel firm specialized in creating customized travel itineraries. Having personally traveled to Hawai’i, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, and Tahiti, she can help you create a wonderful South Pacific experience. To plan a trip contact her at

Finding Paradise at Zoetry Agua Punta Cana

Late afternoon, I am gently floating at the edge of the perfect infinity pool, overlooking the beautiful beach of Zoetry Agua Punta Cana. All I can hear are the gentle waves of the ocean, some birds screeching and the distant chill out music. The peace and calm is incredible. Until, all of a sudden, a dark, saddled horse flies along the water’s edge. Shortly after, a rider is coming in sight, trying to catch the escaped stallion. A fleeting glimpse of excitement before everything becomes still again. But wait, there sprints the resort’s heavy set security guard towards the resort grounds. What is going on, I wonder and then I see. The dark stallion has taken a drastic turn and instead of continuing to run along the beach, decided to escape through the middle of Zoetry’s beautifully manicured grounds.

This is the most excitement and action I got to experience during my time at Zoetry Agua Punta Cana. But then again, the people that stay here are looking for anything but excitement and action. It is an oasis of tranquility and relaxation, and it is beautifully done. Guests stay here because they want to escape the hectic world, take a holistic approach, both via organic food as well as spa indulgences.

The resort grounds are beautifully lush with swaying palmtrees and many flower bushes. Three story palapa buildings containing luxuriously spacious suites, sprawl out along meandering pools. Zoetry Agua reminds me of Tahiti. But wait, we are in the Dominican Republic, not far from all the mega resorts that call Punta Cana their home.

Every suite at Zoetry Agua has a wonderful outdoor area and people here like to enjoy the privacy of their rooms. Who can blame them though, they are truly gorgeous. Some are laying out reading books. Some are engaged into a loveable embrace chatting away. Some are here with friends, gathering in one of the suites’ swim-up pools.
The world seems perfect and there is nothing to worry about. Guests at Zoetry Agua keep to themselves but are friendly when engaged. The suites are great, spacious, every comfort provided. I really enjoyed the subtle, Balinese style décor, the Bulgari amenities as well as the awesome steam wand provided. I also liked that there was a decent hair dryer. My daughters and I have an ongoing discussion about how often toilet paper is of bad quality at hotels. Well, I am glad to report that Zoetry has excellent toilet paper.
Despite all the beauty, arriving on a Sunday was not ideal. Much of the resort staff is off and service is very slow. During my 4 hours along the beach and pool area, I was not once offered a drink. I ran into some guests that had been there for a while and they told me that this had been the first day it happened. And they were right, come Monday beach waiter service was readily available. There was way more staff visible around the property, eagerly cleaning and taking care of all guests’ needs. Always a smile, always a friendly hola. A truly welcoming atmosphere.
Many of the staff do not speak enough English and oftentimes have trouble answering even the most basic questions. Personally, it is something I like, as it makes you engage more with the local culture, learn some words in a different language, and use your hands and feet to communicate. It is a lot of fun and can be very rewarding.
That evening I went to dinner at Piragua. The menu looked exciting and I opted for a tuna sashimi, followed by a pumpkin cream soup. Main course was chicken on a lemongrass sauce with couscous. The sashimi was good, very thinly sliced, almost like a carpaccio. It had slightly too much soy sauce. The pumpkin cream could have been excellent, but unfortunately was lukewarm. The chicken skewers were served in a Teriyaki sauce which, since it was supposed to be lemongrass, I didn’t expect. The food tasted good with the exception of one skewer that was undercooked. The passion fruit chocolate mousse combo was excellent but lacking in presentation. All in all I would rate my food experience as good, not excellent, but still better than many other all-inclusive resorts. Breakfast was a similar experience. Some ingredients weren’t in the omelet I ordered which still tasted fine. The bacon was overcooked, the sausages good but cold. Again, I didn’t eat badly but since this is a luxury all-inclusive resort, I expected more.
All around, I had a wonderful stay at Zoetry Agua Punta Cana and would go back in a heartbeat. The property is so beautiful, the pool area absolutely stunning and the beach peaceful, secluded and well maintained. The relaxing atmosphere of the resort is hard to come by at an all-inclusive and it is wonderful not having to worry about being able to snag a palapa, or find a great chair by the pool. With only 96 rooms it feels like a privilege to stay here. I also loved that wifi was easily available and reliable throughout the property.

Stefanie Pichonnat is a Honeymoon & Destination Weddings Specialist. She is the owner of Cumar Gold Travel, a boutique travel firm specialized in creating and customizing personalized travel itineraries. You can contact her at



Cumar Gold Romance’s Honeymoon Planning Tips or How to Plan the Perfect Honeymoon

Each year, about 1.4 million US couples take a honeymoon. The average spends close to $4,500 for their vacation. 15% of those couples take a “luxury honeymoon” which averages at close to $10,000 for 11 days. No matter where your honeymoon falls, I think we all agree, you deserve the perfect honeymoon. After all, you have a one time shot to get it right.
Your honeymoon is meant to celebrate your love and marriage. Every couple I meet has different expectations when it comes to their vacation. Personally, I believe it is super important that those are met. If you are anything like me, you want everything to be perfect.

First off, you need to be aware that many things can go wrong during a honeymoon and I bet you have at least one couple in your circle that doesn’t have the best memory when it comes to their vacation. There are a lot of potential traps, like for example:

  • Arriving in a country where no one speaks English, and you realize you forgot to pre-arrange your transfer to the resort.
  • Booking that cheap flight with a 45 minute layover in Chicago. Chances are, you are not making that connection and might get to your destination a day late.
  • Booking an oceanfront room not realizing that this not necessarily means you will see the ocean as the view can be obstructed.
  • Wishing for a wonderful, peaceful stretch of beach not realizing that your resort sits on a public beach.
  • Being deceived by a resort’s marketing. Trust me, even the biggest and best are guilty of altering their photos.
  • And there are many more.

These are some of my tips on how to make sure you have the best honeymoon possible:

  1. Decide whether or not you want to work with a honeymoon specialist
    Planning the perfect honeymoon takes a lot of time and research. Some people prefer to do it on their own and that is fine. But if you choose to do so, your research must go way beyond TripAdvisor and a couple of reviews from strangers you don’t know. Personally, I love working with experts. I have long learned that the time they can save is priceless. After all, they know the ins and outs which can save you countless hours of research. If you want to make your honeymoon planning easy and stress-free, I suggest you contact a honeymoon specialist. Not every travel agent will do, you need someone that cares and specializes in honeymoons. That being said, do your due diligence:- How many honeymoons have they planned?- Have you heard of them before?- Do they travel regularly and know what they are talking about?

    – Do they have good reviews?

    A great honeymoon planner gets to know you, learns what it is you are looking for and works with your budget.

  2. Create your honeymoon dream!
    Cuddle up and talk about your honeymoon. These are a few topics you should discuss:- What does your perfect honeymoon day look like?- What do your surroundings look like?

    – Do you want to be very active or are you looking to mainly relax?

    – Any fun things or new things you would absolutely like to try?

    – What kind of romantic experiences are you looking for?

    The clearer your vision becomes, the easier it will be to find your perfect place!

  3. Should you stay or should you go?
    Many couples want to leave for their honeymoon the day after their wedding. The idea is most certainly very romantic but in reality you should consider this:- Many flights leave very early in the morning, meaning you are likely not going to get much sleep, if any at all.- It also means that you have to be ready for your trip before you get married. And what if, in all the hustle and bustle, you actually forgot something important, e.g. your passport, or who will be feeding your fish?- It is always nice to check-in 24 hours prior to the flight. Chances are, you won’t have the time to do so on your wedding day.All this being said and done, doesn’t sleeping in the day after your wedding, enjoying each other for a bit, sound much better? I suggest to wait a day or two as your honeymoon departure will be much less stressful. You will have some extra time to take care of things and you will get to your destination relaxed and ready. Extra perk, you will be much calmer should something go wrong on your day of departure.
  4. Surprise, surprise!
    Who doesn’t like to be surprised? When talking about your honeymoon, listen to what your significant other reveals. The more you know, the easier it will be to come up with a surprise. Something unexpected. Maybe it is deep sea fishing, maybe it is chartering a private yacht, maybe it is a romantic, secluded pic-nic on the beach. Whatever it is, plan it in secret. It will be extra special and truly show how much you care. You will both treasure that memory forever!

Stefanie Pichonnat has been specializing in planning honeymoons for over 8 years. She is the owner of Cumar Gold Travel, a boutique travel firm specialized in creating and customizing personalized travel itineraries. You can contact her at

Sandals La Source Grenada – the sizzling hot all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean

Grenada has been on top of my bucket list for a long time. I was hooked ever since I first tasted an authentic rum punch with a sprinkle of fresh nutmeg at a traditional Grenadian restaurant in Zurich Switzerland in 2002. My friend Yvonne who invited me there, had traveled to many Caribbean islands at the time. She insisted that Grenada was the fairest and friendliest of them all. Little did I know, it would take less than 15 minutes for me to fall in love with this beautiful island.

Grenada – also know as the Spice Island – is located South of the hurricane belt, making it an excellent option for summer wedding couples looking for a Caribbean honeymoon without the hurricane threat. GND – Grenada’s Maurice Bishop International Airport – is slightly outdated but fairly large and very convenient. Much better than many of its Caribbean neighbor islands. The airport’s runway has water on both sides which provides a little extra thrill when landing.

As soon as you get out of the airport you will start noticing the green rolling hills, long swaying grass, flowers and palm and fruit trees. What a great way to be welcomed to this lush island! You also immediately notice the rock–dark and very distinctively volcanic. The drive from the airport to Sandals La Source Grenada is less than 10 minutes, which is an extra perk after a day of travel.

Arriving at Sandals La Source literally means driving down a hill into a village. The lobby is airy and very welcoming. Sandals La Source is made up of several villages. Unlike other Sandals properties these are very sleek, almost a bit Asian inspired. There is a nice mix of rondovals, two-story cottage looking buildings, as well as a few high rise buildings.

With the exception of the “Pink Gin Village” (pictured above) all buildings at Sandals La Source were built from scratch. No expense was spared to create some of the most luxurious and at times, sexy accommodations. Everything there is for a romantic, but also fun-filled vacation. The new building blocks are off the beach. Some have views of the distant ocean, some overlook the rolling hills, some overlook the beautiful gardens and pools. A couple of romantic rondovals cluster in the middle of the property. Those offer the ultimate in privacy and romance and offer a charming focal point with their thatched roof tops.

The Pink Gin Village is located closest to the beach. It consists of the the original “LaSource Resort” which Sandals bought in 2013. Each building has several floors and the rooms were beautifully redone. The balconies are fairly small but the sound of the ocean carries right into these rooms. Just imagine laying in bed and falling asleep to the gentle sound of the waves.

As with all Sandals resorts there are many inclusions; from gourmet restaurants, bars, land and water activities as well as entertainment. Sandals Grenada will keep you busy! Here are a few things that deserve to be highlighted in particular:

If you are a fitness buff you will love finding this brand new, state of the art fitness center. Numerous treadmills, elliptical and weight stations await, all overlooking the beautiful lush gardens of Sandals La Source. A wonderful, air-conditioned area to burn some extra calories.

You might think, did she really just say sushi? Absolutely.  True sushi lovers know that this particular delicacy can be a hit or miss at an all-inclusive resort. Not at Sandals’ La Source. Soys sushi chef, Berwin Barraca, makes some of the best sushi we’ve ever had. So if you are a true sushi lover, this might just be your all-inclusive resort.

Butch’s Steak House
The newest addition to the Sandals restaurant family. The first ever Steakhouse at a Sandals resort, serving some fantastic meat. Expectations were high, given that it carries the Sandals Chairman and Founder’s name. It simply had to be good and truly did not disappoint!

Yes, bathrooms. Some of the most spectacular might I add. You might just end up spending a couple of hours!

The resort is wonderful no doubt, but what about the island?
Air lift to Grenada is still limited but both, the islands’ government as well as the Sandals & Beaches management are working on getting more airlines to service Grenada. Either way, you simply need to make it to this beautiful Caribbean paradise. If not convinced yet, allow Zach and Morgan, both students in Grenada, tell you more.


Stefanie Pichonnat is the Certified Sandals & Beaches Specialist at Cumar Gold Travel, a boutique travel firm specialized in creating and customizing personalized travel itineraries. You can contact her at

Where to Stay in Fiji? Vomo Island Resort — A Romantic and Active Island Getaway

Just 15 minutes north via helicopter or seaplane from Nadi International Airport on the main island, Vomo is a luxurious island resort with endless possibilities. Vomo is the northernmost island of the Mamanucas, just before the Yasawa island chain begins.  Mount Vomo is located on the its eastern side, and those who dare to conquer it can get a breathtaking 30 degree view.

Your Stay
There are four different types of accommodations to choose from on Vomo. There are 28 luxurious beachfront villas with a personal deck and a place to lounge. Imagine waking up in paradise and only being steps away from the sandy beach. There are also private hillside and garden villas that are below the lower slopes of Mt. Vomo and offer breathtaking views of the gardens, island or ocean.  Both the beachfront and private villas sleeps either three adults, or two adults and two children.

The Royal is your own private getaway of true Fijian style living. With a maximum of six guests, there are three ensuite rooms, separate dining, kitchen and living areas, entertainment space and a great outdoor oasis–with your own private pool. Does it get any better than that?

If you need more room, The Residence offers up to eight guests their own private island lifestyle at their own compound. There’s a full kitchen so you can cook up something yourself or choose on-site catering. There’s also indoor and outdoor dining, entertainment area, and there’s a free 24 hour butler service. Another perk, you’ll get sunset canapés and a bottle of champagne on arrival.

Kid’s are welcome in paradise
At Vomo, they understand that family is important. Which is why the resort is family-friendly. There is a “kid-village” facility (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) specifically for the children. All ages are welcome, but children under four are to be accompanied by a parent or a ‘baby butler’ (an additional charge). If you are there with your children and want to enjoy the spa for a couple hours, the staff at the kid village will keep them entertained with group activities, treasure hunts and crafts. The kid village is a complimentary service available during the day and into the evening. You can relax and know that your kids are having just as much as you are!

The Fun Never Ends
At Vomo, you can have endless amounts of fun–on land and the water! From building sand castles on the beach, splashing around in the pool, windsurfing, Hobbie Cats, paddle boarding, single and double kayaks (also glass bottom kayaks!) and who can forget snorkeling?! You can snorkel off the beach or go on a guided excursion offered everyday at 11 a.m. Snorkeling around Vomo and the close by private island is absolutely spectacular! Hands down some of the best we’ve ever experienced. The new PADI Dive Centre is great for all levels of experience–beginner to advanced–and they offer an array of courses.

There’s plenty to do on land as well to keep you busy. As a guest you have access to the tennis courts, gym, hiking and jogging trails, badminton and volleyball nets. There’s also a 9 hole-par 3 golf course on the island. So for golf lovers, you won’t have to worry about letting your swing get away over your vacation. And what a better way to spend a beautiful morning out on the course, underneath coconut trees?

For additional costs, there are also other activities available at Vomo, such as: deep sea fishing, sunset cruises, island hopping tours, Fijian village tours and trip to Cloud Break for surfing.

A Personal Touch
Vomo can even be booked for private hire, like a destination wedding, special occasion or corporate event. Imagine having a whole island for just you and your guests! The staff at Vomo will be at your service to make sure everything is perfect, just for you. 

Or to add a little romance into your stay, you can book a private picnic for two on the sister island, Vomo Lailai. The best part? You’ll be dropped off with a gourmet picnic, chilled drinks and a two-way radio, and it’s only a two minutes away by boat. You can stay as long as you like! When you’re ready to return back “home” you can just radio in and staff will come pick you up, or simply just swim back. It’s your own little deserted island.

Vomo is one of the more “lifestyle” oriented resorts in the Fijian islands. Almost a bit hip if you like. US viewers might even recall the resort being featured in the “The Bachelorette” Season 7. Here is a short clip of the final Rose Ceremony where Ashley stands at the beach with Vomo Lailai (little Vomo) in the backdrop.

Aren’t those drift wood flower decorations just gorgeous? Fijian resorts are generally a wonderful option when it comes to destination weddings. Perfect to elope to!

Another famous guest of the island was Prince Albert of Monaco. Him and his new wife stopped there on their honeymoon.

Stephanie Jellett is interning as a travel writer and social media manager at AAV Travel. You can contact her at

in conjunction with AAV Travel’s Fiji Expert

Stefanie Pichonnat is the South Pacific Specialist at Cumar Gold Travel, a boutique travel firm specialized in creating and customizing personalized travel itineraries. You can contact her at

Review — Excellence Playa Mujeres Resort, Mexico

Unlike many other resorts in Cancun and the Riviera Maya, Excellence Playa Mujeres is located North of Cancun in an area called Playa Mujeres Resort. This unique, 930 hectare piece of land is nestled between the Caribbean Ocean on the east and the Chacmochuc Lagoon  on the west. Ancient history, undisturbed tropical plants were waiting to be revealed, including a 1,200-year-old Mayan Temple which was studied, restored and opened to guests for tours.

The drive along the small coastal road will keep you guessing what to expect until you pass through the gates and finally pull up in front of Excellence Playa Mujeres’ impressive lobby. The welcome at Excellence Playa Mujeres was one of the best we’ve ever received. It was heart-felt, welcoming and despite it being our first time, made us feel like coming home.

A 35 minute drive from Cancun’s International Airport will take you to this all-inclusive resort, catering to adults 18 and over, looking for romance or wishing to escape on a relaxing getaway. Excellence opens its arms and makes you feel special.

One of Excellence’s key strengths is the beautiful, state-of-the art spa. One of the reasons why this resort isn’t just great for people in love but also friends looking for a rejuvenation getaway. A huge hydro-therapy awaits, several massage packages, everything you could possibly want to relax and get pampered. Miilé Excellence Resort Spa is the ultimate retreat for your mind, body and soul where relaxation is natural.

Excellence Gourmet
Excellence Playa Mujeres offers nine wonderful and unique restaurants. The themed locales are authentically decorated and create a world of their own. Whether you wish to dine in a traditional Mexican Hacienda style restaurant, eat at the hip sushi bar, or are looking for an Indian dinner, gourmet dishes await. Best of all, Excellence makes it easy, no dinner reservations required. Day or night, there are 11 bars that will quench your thirst. Did anyone say signature cocktails? Never forget to ask for one.

Adult-only all-inclusive fun
There are so many options included in your stay that you’ll never be bored. Walk the two mile white sandy beaches, or swim in one of the seven pools located on resort. Feel like just laying back and relaxing? Close your eyes and let yourself truly relax in an outdoor jacuzzis or in an in-pool whirlpools. As a guest, you’ll have access to the fitness center, jogging and bicycle trail and the use of non-motorized water sports, such as: Hobbie Cats, windsurfing boards, sea kayaks, snorkel gear and paddle boards. There’s also table tennis and billiards, darts, board games, archery and rifle shooting available. And don’t forget about access to the Main Theatre for a night of entertainment and fun!

Excellence Playa Mujeres is also located within walking distance of the marina and the Playa Mujeres Golf Club that was designed by golf pro Greg Norman. The 18 hole, par 72 course is challenging and features beautiful views that you can’t get back home. Imagine yourself teeing off on one of the lagoon and ocean-front holes.

Romancing in style
Excellence is the perfect place for a romantic escape. Whether you just want to enjoy each other, tie the knot, or celebrate your marriage, Excellence will welcome you with open arms and has a package that meets your need. Celebrate your love with a romantic night on the beach having a private sunset dinner. Or dining in-room on your rooftop terrace. Looking for a romantic way to propose? Contact us, we have some ideas (wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise!).

Excellence Playa Mujeres is a dream come true to those who stay. From the gorgeous resort, to the multiple dining areas, endless activities and five-star accommodations, your stay will feel luxurious. Enjoy the stress-free lifestyle the Caribbean has to offer.

Have you stayed at Excellence Playa Mujeres? Please share your experience in the comment section!

For more info and to contact us visit


A Visit to Barcelona

When my friend asked me late last year if I wanted to join her on a trip to Barcelona I did not hesitate. Not only had I been fascinated by the city I visited over 20 years ago for just one day, but also had I received more and more client requests for this area. Movies like Vicky Cristina Barcelona and the fact that Barcelona is a major departure port for Mediterranean cruises has increasingly put the city on a map. Trust me, the trip and city did not disappoint!

Despite it being early spring (mid-March) the temperatures were fairly comfortable and the weather quite good. Although it is considered off-season, the city was packed with tourists from Europe, particularly lots of student groups.

Barcelona has come a long way in its recent years. It is a very creative and passionate place. Despite its multicultural appearance few English is spoken and we found ourselves in quite a few funny situations.

One of the main challenges are the streets and numbers. Once you find your path thru the maze of streets and squares, success is not guaranteed, as house number do not follow any particular rule. Sometimes number 3 is next to number 550, and some buildings have no numbers at all. We quickly learnt that the key to success was knowing your cross streets.

There are lots of things to see and do in Barcelona. The main attractions, e.g. Sagrada Familia, Balto House, Picasso museum, Guell Park can be visited in 1 to 2 days. Apart from these wonderful sites, Barcelona is famous for its phenomenal nightlife.

Taking advantage of our jet lag (EST – 6 hours behind) it was easy for us to go to dinner at 9pm and then check out the different bars and locales. Some of the coolest things we did was eating Calçots at Can Xurrades and then strolling the Gracia neighborhood, famous for it bars and restaurants where you can find locals and expatriates mingle until the early morning. We also went to the Aire de Barcelona, an old restored Roman hammam (bathhouse) for a 10pm to midnight session. It was fairly strange to receive a 10pm massage and then soak in different baths until midnight. What was even weirder, is that some people came in at midnight and stayed until 2am. Another event not to miss is an evening of Flamenco, we were enchanted by the performers at Palau de Musica.

In addition to Barcelona itself there are a few easy day trips that you can do. My top would be Sitges. It is a small picturesque town along the coast which can be reached in about 30 minutes by train from Barcelona. Sitges is a very cute town with excellent shops and a very nice beachfront where you will find plenty of restaurants to sit outside and soak up the sun. Some of the best Paella is served at Cal Pinxo.
There would be much more to tell but I think everybody should make their own experience. However, these are my main tips and conclusions:

  • Getting from the airport to town is easy and takes about 30 minutes. The cab is probably the most convenient way and at EUR 30 reasonably priced. Know where you go though as language can be an issue.
  • Cab fares are generally low and offer a great way to get around town particularly for shorter distances. The subway is EUR 2 per person/way and if you are only going 2 stops a cab for 2 is usually equal to that (EUR 4).
  • Study your map before you go and know where you want to go. It will come in handy.
  • Barcelona is generally safe, even at night. We walked around a lot, even late at night and had no issues. The only place I felt unsafe was walking the beach front between Hotel Arts and the W at night. Everybody will warn you about pick pocketing. Keep your purses close and make sure they are zipped close.
  • Try to get off the beaten tourist path. It is so worth it. Not only are you going to have much more fun (the Spanish are super friendly and fun) but you are also going to pay way less.
  • Spaniards are passionate. There is a lot of public display of affection.
  • Make friends with some English speaking locals and have them give you tips. Alberto Jimenez at the Mandarin Oriental and Jordi Baldó from the Soho Hotel both proved to be great resources.
  • Know your cross streets and do not rely on the cab driver to know your hotel and its location.
  • Try Cava. This Spanish sparkling wine is delicious, inexpensive and there are lots and lots of different brands to try.
  • It is not always easy to find “free wi-fi”. That being said, if you heavily rely on it, pick a hotel that offers wi-fi.Posted by: Stefanie Pichonnat can be reached at 812-917-2149 or

Celebrity Honeymoon Spotlight: St. Barths

St. Barthélemy, or St. Barths in English, is known to be a top celebrity destination attracting many with its high-end accommodations and yacht harbor. It is listed  among the top eight honeymoon destinations for celebrity couples.

Pictured below is the famous Eden Rock resort, one of the world’s top 100 hotels. This unique property offers 34 individual accommodations “on the rock” and is a haven for gourmet food.

To no surprise the island comes with a hefty price tag. However, off-season pricing drops drastically. The busy island atmosphere slows down from the heavy party scene, with bustling streets and busy shops and restaurants. It turns into a quaint and very relaxing island getaway. Personally I think it is the best time to go. Instead of traffic jams and overcrowded parking areas, you get vacant, secluded beaches, great dining and excellent off-season bargain shopping. Whether you decide to stay at one of the many hotels, rent a private villa, or stay at one of the guesthouses, the island is sure to enchant.

Some of its recent A-list honeymooners included Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo.  Power couple Jay-Z and Beyoncé also known to enjoy St. Barths’ atmosphere. Another couple who chose St. Barths for their private relaxation is Real Housewives of New York’s star Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy who honeymooned there in 2010. They stayed at the Hotel Guanahani & Spa which consists of 68 creole-style, colorful cottages.  Bethenny raved about her stay and about the service when she visited.

Posted by: Stefanie Pichonnat. For help with your travel planning or questions she can be reached at 812-917-2149 or