What are the main reasons you travel?

All right folks, I’m sure you’ve been waiting on the answer from last weeks travel trivia question to: how cold on average does it get in the Bahamas? And the answer is…drum roll please!….70 degrees! The cold season in the Bahamas lasts from December 9 to March 19.

This week’s poll question is: what are the main reasons your travel? If you don’t see an option that best suits you, go ahead and leave a comment!

Travel Trivia Question!

Try your luck at guessing today’s travel trivia question! We’ll post the answer next week and have a new trivia question for you!

We Want to Hear From You!

This week’s poll requires your input for ideas on travel tips. What would you rather get travel tips on? If your top answer isn’t listed in the poll below, leave us a comment, we’d love to hear other ideas!


Where are you Most Likely to Travel This Year?

A new poll is up on the blog! Cast your vote and see which destination is more popular!

Check back every week for a new poll question.