Benefits of International Business Class: Beyond the Obvious

The Allure of Business Class, is it worth the extra cost?

There’s something undeniably enticing about the perks of business class: the allure of a lay-flat seat, upgraded drinks, and a meal selected from a menu and served on a lovely plate with a folded cloth napkin. A larger screen for movies, a Bose headset, and a welcome kit with essentials like lip balm, hand cream, a toothbrush, and a comb. Settling into your private cubby, you might almost believe you’re one of the few on this flight.

But, are these reasons enough to justify paying thousands of dollars extra? After all, the meal is still an airplane meal, and the bed isn’t as comfortable as a 5-star hotel’s. You might argue that you’d rather spend that extra money elsewhere.

Why I Believe in Business Class

The real value of business class goes beyond the obvious perks.

Check-in: The experience begins with not having to stand in line for more than five minutes. Dropping off bags is a breeze, and seeing them tagged as “priority” is a nice touch.

Priority Security: Some airports and airlines offer business passengers priority security lines, saving even more time.

Airport Lounge Access: Enjoying a meal and a comfortable seat in an airport lounge, rather than fighting with the masses, is a treat, particularly if you don’t like feeling like herded cattle.

Flight Delays or Cancellations: If there’s a delay or cancellation, getting assistance within the lounge rather than at a customer service desk is priceless. What might take hours in line can often be resolved within 15 minutes in the lounge.

First Off the Plane: Being among the first off the plane typically means you’re first in line at immigration, saving even more time.

Beating the Jet Lag: The real quality of business class is the solid chance of beating jet lag. Not only are you likely ready to explore as soon as you get off the plane, but it also greatly helps in adjusting to the new time quickly.

Tips for Beating Jet Lag (Even if You Fly Economy)

  1. Drink Water: Stay hydrated by drinking 2-3 times as much water as you would on the ground. The dry air on the plane can dehydrate you, so replenishing your body’s 70% water content helps you adjust more easily.
  2. Limit Alcohol: Avoid or limit alcohol intake as it can dehydrate you further.
  3. Nap Wisely: Upon arrival, allow yourself a short nap (no more than 2-3 hours). After that, get moving—walk around, explore, and have a healthy dinner. Aim to stay awake until at least 8 pm local time.
  4. Wake Up Early: Set a consistent wake-up time. If you plan to be on the go by 8 am every day, force yourself to get out of bed by 7 am. Catch some daylight right away to signal your body to adjust to the new time zone.

Following these steps should help you adjust smoothly.

Share your thoughts

Do you love flying business class, or do you feel it’s not worth the cost? Have any jet lag tips to share? I’d love to hear from you.

At AAV Travel, we specialize in creating customized itineraries, saving our clients time, and ensuring their vacations are seamless. We take the guesswork out of your travel plans!

Step into Adventure: Walk Europe with Confidence and Comfort!

Walking is deeply ingrained in the daily routines of many Europeans, with urban planning often prioritizing pedestrian-friendly environments. Cities feature narrow, historic streets and well-maintained sidewalks that encourage locals and tourists to explore by foot.

In iconic cities like Paris, Amsterdam, and Copenhagen, walking is more than just a mode of transportation; it’s a way to immerse oneself in the local culture, enjoy bustling street life, and take in beautiful sights. Additionally, public policies that support pedestrian infrastructure make walking a convenient, healthy, and enjoyable choice for navigating urban areas. Many times, walking is the most efficient way to get from point A to point B.

Photo by Evgeniy Kostyunin on

If you’re not used to walking a lot, exploring European cities can feel pretty overwhelming. For starters, you might find yourself covering much more ground on foot than you’re used to, which can be pretty tiring. The cobblestone streets, hills, and stairs in those charming historic areas can add to the challenge. Plus, locals tend to walk briskly and confidently, making it easy to feel a bit out of step. Navigating through bustling crowds, busy streets, and unfamiliar places takes a lot of energy and can be quite a shock if you’re more accustomed to driving everywhere.

So here are a few tips to get prepared. Ideally, you start about two months before your trip:

  • Walk with friends. Join a walking club or get together with friends who enjoy the outdoors.
  • Experienced walkers can offer valuable tips and motivation, like recommending the best shoes for comfort.
  • Pick up the pace and try different terrains. Cobblestones, potholes, uneven streets, and inclines are all very common in Europe.
  • Invest in comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots, and don’t skimp on good-quality socks.
  • Consider the weather, too—a waterproof option is better for wet climates than mesh sneakers.
  • Remember to dress in layers. This helps regulate moisture and temperature; being outside more means a quick trip back for extra clothes might not be convenient.
Photo by Gu00fcl Iu015fu0131k on

Are you an avid walker and have some tips to share or gear to recommend? I would love to hear from you!

Reach out when you feel the itch to plan a European adventure, I’d love to help!

Summer 2024: Europe Travel Tips

Paris Summer Olympics

Be prepared to pay steep prices in Paris as the games approach. Hotels and food will become more expensive, and some metro stations might close. Check the Paris Ministry of Transport website for updates on those closures. Arrange transfer in advance, as strikes could affect public transportation.

Our tip: If you don’t like crowds, avoid Paris this summer and choose a more laid-back spot.

The consequence of climate change: Natural occurrences

Photo by Jasmin kaemmerer on

Europe is set to face a major heatwave in 2024, and unfortunately, natural disasters are becoming more frequent in this region. Massive floods hit Germany and Belgium last year and are now back. Greece dealt with wildfires in 2023. Iceland’s volcano keeps erupting.

That River cruise you booked may not be operating as planned. The hotel you booked may not have air conditioning or have restrictions on air conditioning use due to environmental objectives.

Our Tip: A professional travel advisor has deep insights into European travel because they stay updated on various factors that can impact your trip, such as natural disasters, political changes, and strikes. Their extensive network and access to real-time information allow them to anticipate and navigate potential disruptions. They can provide personalized advice and contingency plans that you might not easily find on your own, ensuring a smoother and safer travel experience.

Strikes and Delays: The new normal

Photo by Free Stock on

Train travel is an awesome way to explore Europe, but air and land transportation has been delayed more frequently lately. Major travel strikes are happening across several countries. To deal with these inevitable strikes, it’s smart to prepare for delays and have a backup plan ready.

Our Tip: Slow down! Instead of hopping around every other day from city to city, country to the next, allow yourself time. That way, you still have days left if you miss a day and some space to make alternate arrangements. A good travel advisor will help you create an itinerary that holds up!

Tickets, guides, and politics

Photo by Chait Goli on

Popular attraction tickets are getting scalped. Some of the best guides refuse their services because the sights are overcrowded. Some attraction time slots, like the Colosseum in Rome, are allocated at the last minute. That said, your tour time could change.

Our Tip: You get what you pay for! Trust your advisor, upgrade your experiences, get up early, and don’t overload your day.

Daytripper fees

Photo by Gotta Be Worth It on

The city of Venice rolled out its one-day visitor fee this summer. On arrival, train passengers are checked to see if they purchased a day pass and fined if not. Venice overnight guests have to file an exception. The town of Clovelly in Cornwall charges a daily visitor fee. Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland, is discussing implementing a fee for visitors arriving by car. This is becoming the norm.

Our Tip: Work with a specialist! Unless you are a very thorough trip planner with hours to learn about destinations and how best to navigate them, trust an expert to help you craft your trip and prepare you ahead of time.

Is Europe on your mind? Reach out, and we will happily help you plan your trip!

Mask Making in Venice

Venetian masks are world famous and a symbol and tradition of Venice. There is no avoiding them when in the city, as every street vendor and souvenir shop carries multiple versions, from the cheapest mass production piece, to the more expensive, unique and handcrafted version. Nowadays, masks are mainly worn during carnival. However, as long as the Venetian Serenissima Republic lasted, until 1797, they were part of the everyday Venetian life. During those days, Venetian nobles put on the masks to be whoever they wanted to be and turn their life into and aventure, gamble, and add a little bit of spice and risk to the everyday life.

A few of today’s mask artisans open their workshop doors and offer classes. They can range from the actual making of the mask with paper mache, to learning the decoration techniques used. It is a wonderful experience for both old and young.

I wanted to do something special, memorable and had setup such workshop for my children and myself. We had picked a small mask making shop owned by Giorgio Galasso who has been making masks for the past 20 years.

Arriving at his shop is like stepping back in time. Instructions say find the San Zulian church, follow the wall, turn into a small square, and there you are. No street name, number, and most definitely not a place Google Maps knows how to find.

The artist’s workshop is tiny and although Giorgo says he accommodates up to 5 people in the summer, it seems like 3 are plenty. Giorgio is an older man, long black grey hair, the features of his face almost like a mask. He wears a black framed set of reading glasses, and you immediately feel like you are working with someone who truly knows his craft.

In broken English he explains that before you start, you have to make a plan. You start with a vision of your mask which you then complete in several steps. He works with my two children, aged 10 and 12, as well as myself, and easily succeeds in making us feel confident in our abilities. We spend a good hour decorating our masks, learning about the different techniques, and materials used. One of my daughters works in the window and becomes the attraction for many passersby, who oftentimes end up entering the small shop, and buying one of Girogio’s masks.

Once done the masks have to stay in the shop for about an hour to dry. We head for lunch and pick them up on our way back to the hotel.

We were truly pleased with the result. It is a unique and memorable souvenir to take home from Venice. The masks will always remind us of  the experience which is one we will never forget.

Stefanie Pichonnat is the owner and travel consultant at Cumar Gold Travel, a boutique travel firm customizing travel itineraries for discerning customers. With her extensive travel experience in Italy she can help you create a wonderful trip. Contact her at



My “Daily Burn” or how to stay fit even when you travel

Everybody is busy. Oftentimes so much that we don’t have time to take care of ourselves. So for once this isn’t about a destination, it is about making you feel good – always, before you travel, or during your travels.

As a business owner, single mom and frequent traveler, my days feel busy and my schedule is unpredictable. Going to a gym, or joining  a fitness class, is more of a hassle than a benefit, simply because it steals way too much of my time and I am not always sure I can make it. However, that all changed about a year ago, when I discovered Daily Burn.

Daily Burn is your stream of customized workouts. I am sure you are familiar with Netflix or Hulu. This is kind of similar. You create an account, log in your basic health stats, choose a fitness level and then get to select a workout program that fits you and your personality. The beauty of it is that you can exercise at any time, wherever you want. Whether you stream it on your tv, use a tablet, or, heck, even on your phone. It is crazy convenient!
You can even take it on the road. Daily Burn streams pretty much anywhere around the globe, provided you have a good wifi connection. China and Russia are exceptions and there might be some others. Granted, you might not be up for a 50 minute workout everyday you travel, but there are always shorter workouts available. They allow you to keep your fitness level up whilst being away.

Or, let’s just say your significant other planned one of these spontaneous beach getaways and you feel your body is not quite up for the beach parade. And yes, I actually have clients that told me exactly that. There are plenty of short and very efficient programs that make you see changes in as little as three weeks provided you follow them.

In addition to your workout, Daily Burn also offers meal plans and recipes to go with your program. So if you are really serious about this, you have every tool to take it to the next level.

Daily Burn offers a free month trial before you commit. If you are busy and are looking for something that will help you keep fit, then this might just be the answer. However, these are a few things I think will influence your success:

  • Daily Burn means working out on your own. If you need a group of people to motivate you, cheer you on, or keep you accountable, you might struggle with this concept.
  • Make sure to be safe and execute the exercises properly. If in doubt, schedule an appointment with a fitness instructor so they can show you how to properly exercise.
  • Every Daily Burn exercise ends with a cool down but those are usually short. If you work your body hard, don’t forget to take some extra time and stretch.

Daily Burn has allowed me to stay healthy and fit without having to compromise my schedule or making me say “I don’t have time to work out”. I am super excited to try it on the road this summer, from Alaska to the Dominican Republic and on to Europe, I will be able to stream my program and get my workout in. It is much easier and more fun to travel when you feel healthy and fit!

Have you tried Daily Burn? How do you feel about it? I would love to hear your comments.

Avid daily burner and owner of Cumar Gold Travel, a boutique travel firm specialized in creating and customizing personalized travel itineraries. You can contact her at


We Want to Hear From You!

This week’s poll requires your input for ideas on travel tips. What would you rather get travel tips on? If your top answer isn’t listed in the poll below, leave us a comment, we’d love to hear other ideas!