Vacation Packing Tips

We often get asked by our clients what to pack. This is a collection of our personal  packing tips:

  • Pack light but make sure you pack right!
    What do you really need for a beach vacation? Swimsuit and light clothes, right.Not much really, just keep in mind that you might have to dress up for some dining spots.What about shoes? Limit yourself to 1 pair of comfortable, 1 pair of functional and 1 pair of pretty. In terms of beach vacation that translates into: e.g. a Keen or Teva (to go on excursions), a pair of flip flops (for the beach) and a nice summer sandal (for dinner).
  • Try to wear the heaviest and bulkiest stuff!
    Going to a destination you might need a thick coat or sturdy shoes. Wear them during travel. It will save space and weight in  your suitcase for other things.
  • Have a checklist!
    Making a list ahead of time will avoid forgetting stuff. Also, if you travel frequently make sure to save the list. That will keep you from having to do it over and over.
  • Carry a basic first aid kit!
    Ibuprofen, neosporin, immodium, dramamine… You don’t want to have to look for these things at your destination.
  • Check in online for flights!
    Usually you can do so 24 hours prior to your flight. This might help you score the exit row seat or any other preferred seat assignments.
  • Travel with a positive mindset!
    Things happen. Flights get delayed, you stand in line… The more you stress about it, the worse it gets. In the end you always get home.
  • Enjoy your destination!
    Don’t shut down, stay open minded, meet people, explore their culture, taste the cuisine. You cannot claim having been to a place unless you’ve really given it a chance to be experienced.

These are my personal travel tips. Feel free to add yours in the comment section!

Posted by: Stefanie Pichonnat can be reached at 812-917-2149 or