Event: RAVE.

For the first time on this blog I’m going to be posting about an event that I’m actually a part of. RAVE is what happens when a few people obsess over movies like Party Monster for too long, and this is our chance to live out those fantasies. This Saturday, myself, Martin Magner and Isa Goemaere from Crazy White Bitches are going to be introducing Cape Town to a whole new breed of parties inspired by the clubkids of the 80s and 9os.  To make sure that everyone takes the theme seriously we’ve got a strict NO EFFORT NO ENTRY policy, so if you want to RAVE you better makes sure you look the part. This will also be my first time DJing so if you’ve followed this blog for a while and liked what you’ve heard you’re probably going to enjoy listening to what we’ve got planned. Also DJing on the night will be Crazy White Bitches, Plett Rave (one of half of Sexual Tension) and David West aka Divine Ms Debi Chan.

If you’re ready for something new, something weird and something to fall in love with – RAVE is it.

For more info, go here

And if I haven’t managed to convince you, check out our preview video by Martin Magner, below.