Tag Archive: Sexual Tension

Event: RAVE.

For the first time on this blog I’m going to be posting about an event that I’m actually a part of. RAVE is what happens when a few people obsess over movies like Party Monster for too… Continue reading

Podcast: TRMS | 2ovfm | 08.08.2013

So a few weeks ago I got my own radio show with Jana Babez on 2oceansvibe, and starting today I’m going to be posting a podcast of each show for those of you… Continue reading

TRMB’s Weekly Event Guide.

There’s quite a lot going on this week (especially around the public holiday), so if you needed help deciding where best to spend your time you’ve come to the right place. Tuesday: First… Continue reading

TRMB’S Weekly Event Guide.

Sometimes it’s tough deciding how best to throw your money away. Allow me to ease that process. Tuesday: David Gabriel Thorpe (Beach Party, The Dollfins, Gateway Drugs) will be doing a solo show… Continue reading

Event: CWB’s First Birthday.

Crazy White Bitches are the three girls who in a year, have managed to become the most relevant second hand clothing sellers in the country. This Wednesday they will be celebrating their first… Continue reading

Event: YOH! 1

YOH! is a new party in Cape Town that is being organised by Frankly, my deary & BOK, who’ve crammed so many different events together that it’s sure to appeal to almost everyone!… Continue reading

After Hours: Weird Science

After Hours is probably the best party to go to in Cape Town. It happens once a month at Assembly and plays the best music in town. No-one has ever not had fun/embarrassed… Continue reading