Event: RAVE.
For the first time on this blog I’m going to be posting about an event that I’m actually a part of. RAVE is what happens when a few people obsess over movies like Party Monster for too… Continue reading
For the first time on this blog I’m going to be posting about an event that I’m actually a part of. RAVE is what happens when a few people obsess over movies like Party Monster for too… Continue reading
So a few weeks ago I got my own radio show with Jana Babez on 2oceansvibe, and starting today I’m going to be posting a podcast of each show for those of you… Continue reading
Crazy White Bitches are the three girls who in a year, have managed to become the most relevant second hand clothing sellers in the country. This Wednesday they will be celebrating their first… Continue reading
YOH! is a new party in Cape Town that is being organised by Frankly, my deary & BOK, who’ve crammed so many different events together that it’s sure to appeal to almost everyone!… Continue reading
After Hours is probably the best party to go to in Cape Town. It happens once a month at Assembly and plays the best music in town. No-one has ever not had fun/embarrassed… Continue reading