Resource – Travel Suits You

Cumar Gold Travel worked with Lori & Jim planning a phenomenal trip to Europe. The couple has a profound passion for London, which they made their home base for their four week journey. During this time they also visited Rome, Paris and a few other cities in the UK.

Jim and Lori are very resourceful when it comes to their travel planning and preparation; they decided to share their knowledge and created a helpful website assisting other travelers to better organize their trips. helps travelers make their experience less overwhelming. It provides guidelines and helpful hints to make traveling easier. The website also offers travel accessories to increase the security, health, comfort, and convenience of the vacationer.

In addition, you’ll find great advice about Getting Ready-Things to Do when preparing for your vacation. You can read about passports, airport security, and tasks to complete before they leave for vacation.

What to Pack makes suggestions on what should be packed in a carry-on and what should be packed in checked luggage. It helps travelers not to forget any items. It also provides helpful suggestions just in case your luggage gets lost.

Before you take another trip involving an airplane make sure to read about Traveling in Comfort; this article will ensure you will have no issues getting through security and will teach you how to relax on the flight.

Special Places and Hidden Treasures offers information about eight Europian cities. Pictures are provided along with information on unique sights to see.

We wish Jim & Lori best of luck with their endeavor and all future travelers “bon voyage”!

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